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BEING The Bilim Kızı MENTI

In a way that will contribute to the innovation-focused development of our country; The ‘Bilim Kızı’ project is a social innovation project that Müjgan ÇETİN launched in 2016 with the determination that the education and upbringing of girls in Turkiye is a mandatory need today and in the future.


This procedure covers the purpose, activity, education, process management and evaluation areas regarding the mentoring studies to be carried out throughout our project, which we carry out with the voluntary participation of our stakeholders under the name of “Bilim Kızı Mentoring SERVICE” within the scope of the “Bilim Kızı” project. The purpose of the “Bilim Kızı Mentoring Project” is to ensure that female university students who experience inequality of opportunity, deviation from vision and confusion of direction; receive support from expert mentors who are scientists in their fields in order to reach the level where they can carry out successful scientific activities.


MENTORING Service is not an academic consultancy service. It is a facilitation service within the framework of the experiences and subjects offered in the training required for MENTORS who apply to the Bilim Kızı project to prepare their scientific career plans.

Terms and Definitions


The duties and responsibilities of the stakeholders of this program are defined below:


Project contractor Müjgan Çetin Bilim Kızı Project Leader: As the project leader, the person responsible for the execution of the project and the management of resources.


Bilim Kızı Consultant and Trainer: An experienced mentor who provides mentoring training and organizes evaluation meetings throughout the process, evaluates the process and stakeholders, and provides consultancy services on necessary issues.


Psychotechnical Analysis and Matching Consultant: An expert Psychologist mentor who can provide psychological support services throughout the process by carrying out mentoring service matches in accordance with personality traits.


Bilim Kızı Mentoring Service EXECUTIVE BOARD: This board, which was established with the aim of making and implementing the necessary decisions together throughout the process, consists of the Bilim Kızı Project Leader, Bilim Kızı Consultant and Trainer, and Psychotechnical Analysis and Matching Consultant.


Mentee: Female students who are undergraduate students in basic sciences, graduate students in life sciences and PhD students and who apply to the Bilim Kızı project to pursue a scientific career.


Mentor: Female scientists with at least a master's degree who will help Bilim Kız mentees prepare a roadmap for their goals by accompanying them in their academic and scientific careers.


MENTORNITY Software: A web-based communication platform donated to the Bilim Kızı Project and used to provide mentoring services.


Peer Mentor (Bilimdaş): The Bilim Kızı who will help undergraduate 1st-2nd year female students who have successfully completed the Bilim Kızı mentoring service for at least one semester and who are selected to the program as mentees in the following semester, make self-assessments and prepare annual business plans by accompanying them in their academic and scientific careers. Girls selected from among the girls who apply as Peer Mentors by the Bilim Kızı MENTOR ADVISORY Board are assigned as Peer Mentors to new mentees through matching.


Bilim Kızı MENTOR ADVISORY BOARD: It consists of mentors who have successfully completed at least one term of Bilim Kızı mentoring service and who want to continue to provide mentoring services voluntarily in the next term and who are consulted on issues that need to be decided during the mentoring service delivery process. They participate in the evaluation of Bilim Kızı applications and the interviews held with them, and provide their feedback after the interviews. They participate in the self-assessment studies of the Bilim Kızı project and evaluate the impact analysis of the project.


Bilim Kızı MENTOR ADVISORY BOARD: It consists of mentees who have successfully completed at least one term of Bilim Kızı mentoring service and who are consulted on issues that need to be decided on regarding suggestions regarding Bilim Kızı activities during the mentoring service delivery process voluntarily in the evaluation of Bilim Kızı applications and the interviews held with them, and provide their feedback after the interviews.


1 Project Announcement                                                            July - August

2 Evaluation and Online Mentor and MENTEE Training           September

3 Making and Announcement of Matches                              September

4 Interviews (9 months, 9 interviews)                                      October - June

5 Closing Meeting                                                                    June - July

Being Bilim Kızı MENTEE

This section describes the application process of students who apply as MENTİ within the scope of the Bilim Kızı Mentorship Project.


Bilim Kızı Mentorship support is implemented at the beginning of each academic year. The selection, evaluation and training of the applicants for the program, which is announced in July-August of each year, are carried out in September.


The mentoring service lasts 9 months between October-June. It starts with the call made by the Bilim Kızı Project Leader on the “Bilim Kızı” website and social media accounts in accordance with this procedure at the beginning of July-August.


MENTİ application conditions are as follows:


It is necessary to be an undergraduate student in the field of basic sciences (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Astronomy and space sciences, forensic sciences, bio-chemistry etc.) or a graduate student in the field of life sciences (Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bio-engineering, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Dentistry, Material Sciences, Nanotechnology, Energy and Environmental Sciences, Information Technologies, Space Science etc.).


The overall grade point average must be at least 2.50 and above out of 4.00. University preparatory class students cannot apply.


The application age is between 18-28. After the call announcement, the candidate must complete the electronic application from the link provided on In this application; personal information and social media accounts must be reported, the KVKK approval text must be APPROVED and the application attachments (signed letter of intent, signed Bilim Kızı Project mentoring service acceptance document AS A MENTEE, student certificate and transcript showing the latest general grade status) must be sent in full.


A LETTER OF INTENSION is a composition stating intent. It is a text in which the person who is suitable for this intention will express their intention regarding why they want to be a Bilim Kızı, their achievements and goals. In this composition, the reason why the applicant is suitable for the program they applied for must be stated.


The extent to which the specializations offered in the program overlap with the applicant's field of interest must be mentioned. The person should also mention special and interesting details about themselves, provided that they are related and relevant to the mentoring service to be applied for. In this way, it is explained why they should be selected and that they are the most suitable candidate for the program. The text should start with a sentence addressing the relevant person, institution, program, continue with the introduction, development and connect with the conclusion. Then, it should be finished with a closing sentence and signature. This LETTER OF INTENT should be written as a separate document and uploaded to the system with a signature.


Writing a salutation: The best way to establish direct contact would be to address the relevant person. Introduction: In this section, the question ‘Why are you writing this essay and what academic activity are you involved in?’ should be answered briefly. Due to what is written in this section, the admissions committee should be able to choose the applicant’s letter from hundreds of similar texts. It should be ensured that everything is conveyed clearly, not long but briefly.


Development: The development section generally consists of 2 or 4 paragraphs. The admissions committee should be convinced that you have the appropriate and sufficient skills for the program you want to attend. The achievements related to the program to be applied, the school programs attended and the extracurricular activities should be mentioned. It is important to mention why the program is requested, the structure of the program and the opportunities that the program will offer in the future.


Conclusion: Before finishing the composition, it should be politely stated that a response is expected by phone and e-mail address. Those who are accepted to the process as a result of the preliminary evaluation will be sent a psychotechnical personality analysis test by the Bilim Kızı Project Leader in order to match them with their mentors correctly.


They are expected to complete this test and submit it to the project leader. In this way, they will be matched with the most suitable mentor teacher from the most suitable discipline who is most compatible with their personality and will not create a conflict of interest. MENTEs must declare that they accept the conditions in the MENTORING SERVICE ACCEPTANCE STATEMENT document given in ANNEX-2 during the PRE-ACCEPTANCE phase in order to receive service from the program.


This Mentoring Service Acquisition Conditions document should be uploaded to the system as a separate document, signed. Those who do not submit this document cannot benefit from the MENTORSHIP service even if the pre-acceptance has been achieved.


After the evaluation, an ONLINE or telephone interview will be requested with the candidate. Attendance at this interview on the requested date and time is mandatory. Those who do not attend cannot receive the MENTORSHIP Service.


Candidates who are notified by e-mail that the pre-acceptance has been achieved must attend the MENTORSHIP training.


Candidates who cannot attend the training cannot receive the MENTORSHIP Service. MENTORS who have been accepted for certain must follow up on the information or messages regarding events, trainings, etc. sent to their declared contact information (e-mail and phone) during the mentorship period and must attend all events they have accepted in the Mentorship Service Recruitment Conditions document.

Bilim Kızı Mentoring Process


This section describes the selection, training, matching, 9-month MENTORING process of accepted MENTİ and MENTOR candidates, the follow-up and evaluation of the entire process, and the closing process.


MENTOR and MENTİ Selection Process: Candidates who have completely completed the preliminary application form as MENTOR or MENTİ to the Bilim Kızı project are evaluated by the Bilim Kızı Mentoring Project Executive Board.


MENTİ candidates who pass the preliminary evaluation are invited to an interview by the Bilim Kızı Project Leader.


The Bilim Kızı MENTOR Advisory Board and MENTİ ADVISORY BOARD members participate in the interview and are selected to advance to the next stage in accordance with the following criteria.


Being able to express oneself well/Knowing what one wants/Determination and Desire Ability to answer questions comprehensively and confidently Knowing one's goals and the level of effort to achieve them/Academic or personal/social achievements achieved so far Knowledge of and interest in the Bilim Kızı Project, the Bilim Kızı Project Leader notifies the applicants of the evaluation decision, training date and time by e-mail.


If the Bilim Kızı MENTOR ADVISORY BOARD deems it necessary, they also conduct interviews for MENTOR candidates before the selection.


MENTOR and MENTEE Training Process: Online mentoring training is given to the determined mentor and mentee candidates by the Project Advisor and Instructor instructor.


MENTOR and MENTEE Matching Process: The MENTOR ADVISORY Board matches the selected and suitable candidates who have been evaluated and participated in the training, considering the suggestions of the instructor who is the psychotechnical analysis and matching consultant, and taking into account the most suitable personality, location, department, ethical values ​​and education levels. In a meeting held with the participation of all MENTORs and MENTEEs, the matched MENTE-MENTORs are announced and introduced. If a change request is made by the MENTOR or MENTEE regarding the matching results, the MENTOR ADVISORY BOARD first discusses it within itself and the request is finalized and conveyed to the parties.


The MENTORING Process That Will Last Nine (9) Months: The MENTORs and MENTEEs whose matches are completed plan their meetings through the MENTORNITY program. The meetings, which will take place every 15 days in the first 2 months, will be continued monthly in the following months. In the first meeting, after the parties meet, the MENTORING SERVICE COMMUNICATION AGREEMENT given in ANNEX-1 is mutually reviewed and the necessary arrangements are made, signed and shared with each other.

  • The MENTOR communication contract is formed on the articles agreed upon by both parties.

  • The articles in the contract can be changed with mutual approval. The MENTOR and MENTEE are obliged to comply with the contract.

  • ,The sessions, where the first meeting can be planned as a maximum of 1.5 hours and the others as 1 hour, are shaped on the subjects related to the MENTEE's academic career.

  • During the MENTOR meetings, as defined in the training, SELF-ASSESSMENT, 10-year VISION and TARGET, annual business PLAN and STRATEGIC PLAN preparation studies are carried out.

  • During the PEER Mentoring meetings, as defined in the training, SELF-ASSESSMENT, One-year TARGET, annual business PLAN preparation studies are carried out.


Mentoring Process Follow-up and Evaluation: After the online meetings, MENTORs regularly fill in the meeting minutes in the MENTORNITY program. The meeting minutes include only the purpose of the meeting, the results of the work carried out and the date of the next meeting.


The Bilim KIZI MENTORLUK Consultant organizes an evaluation meeting for MENTEs and also for MENTORS and PEER MENTORS every 2 months. In this meeting, feedback from MENTEs and MENTORs on the current stage is received, questions are answered, requests and expectations are received.


The problems that arise in all these evaluation meetings are resolved by the Executive Board. If necessary, the Advisory Board is consulted.


Completion of the Process: A closing meeting is held with MENTORS and MENTEs who successfully complete the process and their digital certificates are given. It is possible for MENTORS and MENTEs to continue their MENTOR, friendship and camaraderie voluntarily, if they agree among themselves.


I accept that the Bilim Kızı Project is a community that requires long-term solidarity and effort. I declare that I will participate in the activities of expanding, introducing and supporting this community in accordance with the principles and values ​​of this community so that our successful girls can one day become successful women scientists by conducting scientific studies that will add value to life.


I declare that I have read and accepted the application conditions below. As a result of the preliminary evaluation, a psychotechnical personality analysis test will be sent to those accepted to the Bilim Kızı MENTORING process in order to be correctly matched with mentor teachers consisting of women scientists. They are expected to complete this test and submit it to the project leader on the requested date. Thus, it will be ensured that they are matched with the mentor teacher from the most suitable discipline that is most compatible with their personality and will not create a conflict of interest.


I will complete this test during PRE-ACCEPTANCE and submit it on the specified date. After the evaluation, when I receive a notification that I have been invited to an interview, I will attend the interview in accordance with the invitation type (online interview, phone, etc.), date and time.


Candidates who are notified that their final acceptance has been made must attend the MENTİ training. Candidates who cannot attend the training cannot receive MENTORSHIP Service.


I will attend the MENTOR training on the announced day and time. During the mentoring period, MENTOR must follow the information or messages sent to the communication information (e-mail and/or message) they declared.


I will regularly follow up-to-date notifications and provide feedback on time if necessary. MENTORs must attend the matching event to be held at the beginning of the program.


By attending the ONLINE matching event, I will meet my MENTOR with whom I am matched and other mentees and mentor teachers of the relevant period.


When the Mentoring SERVICE starts, I will sign the communication agreement, the example of which is given, with my mentor at the first meeting and forward it to the Project Leader, and I will comply with the issues particularly specified below with great care.

  • During the 9-month period, MENTORNITY will regularly attend meetings with their mentors, in accordance with the dates and times agreed upon via the communication platform.

  • It is the responsibility of the MENTOR to produce the results agreed upon at the end of the meeting with their MENTOR (self-assessment, vision and goal setting, strategic career plan and annual activity plan) and to attend the meetings prepared and to write a short meeting note to MENTORNITY.

  • MENTORs who experience problems with their meetings with their MENTOR for any reason should first try to meet with their MENTOR to solve this problem, and if this meeting is not possible, they should inform the Project Leader as soon as possible and request assistance in resolving the situation. No cancellation of the meeting, date or time can be made within 24 hours. If an urgent change is necessary for any reason, it can be done by informing the Project Leader with the permission of the MENTOR. They will attend the evaluation meetings held ONLINE every two months, attended by all mentees, and inform the Project Leader about the process. Participating in free certified trainings (personal development, programming, professional development, etc.) created in line with the demands of the mentees.

  • CERTIFICATES will be given to those who participate at 80%. Participating in at least 80% of the ONLINE VISION Talks, SUMMITs, and event meetings held with the participation of scientists from around the world during the mentorship period. It is important to attend the closing meeting where all MENTEEs and MENTORS will be together and receive the Science Girl CERTIFICATES.

  • At the end of the mentoring process, it is expected that the General Grade Point Average (GPA), Erasmus acceptance, internship acceptance, article publication, English exam success, Master's or Doctorate exam success, etc. achievements will be shared with the MENTOR and Project Leader.

  • I declare that I will voluntarily comply with all the activities and notifications listed above, and that in case of any non-compliance or if I decide that I cannot comply with these conditions for any reason, I will voluntarily leave the project by informing the MENTOR and Project Leader. I accept that the right to not be accepted to the Bilim Kızı project for any reason at the end of the application process is in the Bilim Kızı Project Leader and Advisory Board members.

NOTE: This application requirements document must be written as a separate document and signed and uploaded to the system.


Mentee Name Surname       and Signature


As required by the Bilim Kızı Project Mentoring Service, MENTOR …......... and MENTE ………….. have both agreed on the following MENTORSHIP agreement.


Starting from the date of ……., we will hold our 1-1.5 hour agenda meetings regularly every month (twice a month in the first months to establish the relationship) in order to be able to hold at least 9 or 11 agenda meetings for 9 months.


We will determine suitable meeting environments where we can talk comfortably for the relationship-building phase and implement the learning activities we will carry out together in the development phase.


We have agreed to continue the confidentiality and trust-based learning relationship that we will be sensitive about to create between us until the end of the program without interruption.


We will contact the Program Coordinator when we need support, when problem solving, disagreement and conflict resolution are needed. We will allocate the necessary time and energy to prioritize mentoring and do justice to the relationship.


We will not postpone or cancel our meetings, especially in the first months, unless necessary. If we have to postpone or cancel our meetings, we will renew the meeting plans by giving 24 hours notice.


We will attend our meetings prepared, and if there is a task or work that we have agreed on as the parties, we will have completed it by the next meeting. If we experience any problems, if there is a subject that we do not feel good about, we will first try to solve it by communicating and talking with each other.


If we cannot find a solution despite trying with enough effort, we will ask for help from the program coordinator.


We will record the topics we talked about and promised in our meetings as meeting notes. The agenda of the next meeting will primarily consist of these topics we promised.


We will pay extra attention to the principles of confidentiality in the meetings and we will protect confidentiality by taking care that all shared and spoken information remains between us as both parties, and we will not share it with third parties.


We will respect, accept and understand each other, being aware that we are both different individuals Being aware of our differences, we will try to talk about these differences in a way that will provide alignment/harmony in the relationship and accelerate development, to reflect them in our agreement by mutually tolerating them, and to learn from each other's strengths and development areas. We will truly listen to each other. We will try to understand their perspectives.


We will try to create environments and engage in activities that will make this learning relationship enjoyable and fun. In order to prevent our mentoring relationship from reaching a wrong conclusion, one of us may want to end the mentoring relationship at any time.


We will evaluate this through mutual discussion. If either party wants to end the relationship, we will end the relationship positively, without blaming each other, by shaking hands.


Mentorship Plan Meeting Time: …….. Weekdays/ends:                                                   


Daytime hours: Meeting Frequency: Every week (Total 60-90 minutes)


Communication Method: Online + (E-mail /Phone) ……………


Agreement Duration: ……….. Months


Mentee Name Surname                                           Mentor Name Surname

Date Signature                                                          Date Signature

Let us support you in your Science Career

A scientific career is a long and challenging journey. With our Bilim Kızı MENTORSHIP service, we want to be with you in this journey by providing facilitation services with our science woman instructors. Of course, if you want. ​




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